izstāde VĒRTĪBAS

Krista Jūlija Kreišmane GRAFIKA / Kristīne Zemļicka Brālēna Apgleznojums / Valmieras ŪDENSTORNĪ

A vintage porcelain teapot with intricate blue and white designs, featuring a landscape scene with mountains and trees. It has a braided bamboo handle and sits on a dark surface against a tiled beige wall.
A vintage porcelain teapot with intricate blue and white designs, featuring a landscape scene with mountains and trees. It has a braided bamboo handle and sits on a dark surface against a tiled beige wall.
Tradīcijas un moderns

Apvieno tradicionālo gleznošanu ar mūsdienu estētiku.

A table is covered with a richly patterned red and black textile, on which sits a collection of artist's materials. There are several ceramic jars and mugs containing paintbrushes, each varying in size and color. Additionally, there is a palette with mixed paint colors and a few decorative pottery items, including a small vase and a bowl.
A table is covered with a richly patterned red and black textile, on which sits a collection of artist's materials. There are several ceramic jars and mugs containing paintbrushes, each varying in size and color. Additionally, there is a palette with mixed paint colors and a few decorative pottery items, including a small vase and a bowl.
Various handcrafted ceramic cups, mugs, and spoons are displayed on a checkered tablecloth. The ceramics feature colorful designs, including floral patterns, polka dots, and whimsical shapes. Some cups have handles in unique shapes, and a small price tag is visible among the items.
Various handcrafted ceramic cups, mugs, and spoons are displayed on a checkered tablecloth. The ceramics feature colorful designs, including floral patterns, polka dots, and whimsical shapes. Some cups have handles in unique shapes, and a small price tag is visible among the items.
Roku darbs

Katrs darbs ir unikāls mākslas darbs ar stāstu.

Mākslinieces vīzija

Kristīne Zemļicka-Brālēna izsaka savu radošo iztēli.

Kristīnes darbi ir patiesi unikāli un izsmalcināti, katrs stāsts ir apbrīnojams un iedvesmojošs.

Līga R.

A large, decorative porcelain vase with intricate hand-painted designs featuring colorful birds, elaborate floral patterns, and a detailed landscape scene. The vase has a lid and is displayed on a black pedestal in a gallery setting.
A large, decorative porcelain vase with intricate hand-painted designs featuring colorful birds, elaborate floral patterns, and a detailed landscape scene. The vase has a lid and is displayed on a black pedestal in a gallery setting.
A collection of handcrafted ceramic cups and bowls, primarily in white and light blue hues, arranged on a wooden surface. The ceramics have a smooth texture with minimalistic and elegant designs.
A collection of handcrafted ceramic cups and bowls, primarily in white and light blue hues, arranged on a wooden surface. The ceramics have a smooth texture with minimalistic and elegant designs.
